The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. 参议员和众议员应取得由法律规定,并从合众国国库中支付的服务报酬。
There is no special antimonopoly law in the past in China, but there is some relevant antimonopoly rules stipulated in the law of anti-improper competition, and the enforcement agencies of these rules are also ascertained by this law. 过去我国没有专门的反垄断法,有关反垄断的一些规劂被规定在《反不正当竞争法》中,对于这些规则的执行机构也是由该法确定的。
It is ascertained by law that right takes on two-fold forms: right protective regulation and right restrictive regulation. 法律确认权利存在两种基本形式,即对权利进行保护性规定和对权利进行限制性规定。